How to add npm package to cocos creator project?

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I have a problem with adding npm package to Cocos Creator v3.8 project.

I want to add that package because it can be really usefull to read google sheets data in editor time for game configuring.

In process of installation I followed next steps:

1)Installed the package in projects root folder, using npm install --save typescript ts-node @types/node googleapis command in command prompt.

2)After that, Ive been able to use package code inside of my project scripts - VS Code automatically added import { google } from 'googleapis'; after const auth = new google.auth.JWT call. But editor started to log an error: Error: Unresolved specifier ./lib/mappingTable.json And my script was not working.

3)After googling some info about npm packages problems, I found an advice in that thread on cocos forum about import maps. So I created import-map.json file with next syntax:

  "imports": {
    "googleapis": "./node_modules/googleapis/build/src/"

and reffered to it in Project Settings/Scripting tab. But now editor logging

[Scene] Error: Error: Directory import is not supported

[Scene] Missing class: ee756oFCtRKa4sg3jxG8FrD

[Scene] Missing class: 06063xe/bRFu6qv9Dplmdk0

and my scripts still dont work.

I`m new in Cocos creator and typescript development - there are a lot of things I may not understand properly. What should I do to make that npm package run properly for my game scripts?


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