I have implemented one panel of Active Admin's show page. In this panel I am showing list of data by loop
. Here is what I did:
show do
panel "Best #{trip_type.camelize} (Live)" do
live_datas1.each do |live|
div do
live["outbound_date"].strftime('%A')+ ", " + live["outbound_date"].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + " To " + live["inbound_date"].strftime('%A') + ", " + live["inbound_date"].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + " = " + flight.currency_symbol + live["price"]
Which gives me output like:
Best Shortbreak (Live)
Monday, 2015-08-10 To Wednesday, 2015-08-12 = £716.0
Monday, 2015-08-03 To Wednesday, 2015-08-05 = £761.0
Wednesday, 2015-08-12 To Friday, 2015-08-14 = £806.0
Wednesday, 2015-08-19 To Friday, 2015-08-21 = £876.0
Now I want to add one linke on every end of the line:
Monday, 2015-08-10 To Wednesday, 2015-08-12 = £716.0 [Link]
for this I add
live["outbound_date"].strftime('%A')+ ", " + live["outbound_date"].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + " To " + live["inbound_date"].strftime('%A') + ", " + live["inbound_date"].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + " = " + flight.currency_symbol + live["price"] + link_to "Link", "#"
also try to put link_to
in next line. But in this case above content is not displayed only link appear.
Where I do mistake. Can you please point me. I have already refer this http://activeadmin.info/docs/6-show-pages.html but not get any solution.
You can write following code instead, and it will work fine.