I'm trying to generate POJO's from mapping xml files. I read something about adding an ant task, to do it easily.
I've added this xml below to my project's build-impl.xml in Netbeans, but nothing happens:
<target name="codegen">
<taskdef name="hbm2java"
<fileset dir="cat/model/">
<include name="**/*.hbm.xml"/>
I'm beginner to Netbeans, Ant and Hibernate, can anyone help me out?
P.S. i don't really know what should 'classpathref' be. I mean i know it should contain the classpath to the hibernate's distribution. The real problem is that I don't know how to get an Ant task working..
Edit: I figured out that the script above doesn't work with Hibernate3.. I've got another script, but still not working. The error message shown is: Could not create type hibernatetool as the class class org.hibernate.tool.ant.Hbm2JavaExporterTask has no compatible constructor; And the script:
<target name="codegen">
<taskdef name="hibernatetool"
<classpath refid="project.classpath" />
<hibernatetool destdir="cat/model/">
<configuration configurationfile="hibernate.cfg.xml"/>
<hbm2java />
This is Hibernate3 compatible, as I saw in the hibernate docs: http://docs.jboss.org/tools/2.1.0.Beta1/hibernatetools/html/ant.html#d0e2903
I dont know anything about hbm2java but after adding a task like in the code above, you need to add the jars associated with this to Ant. This is done by copying the jar file inton
directory. Did you do this?