When writing my software documentation using Vuepress 2 with vuepress-theme-hope, I have many words and phrases that can change in the future. I want to put those in the documentation as variables.
How can I do this on a global level for my documentation project?
My question is the same as this question, but that is for vuepress 0 or 1 and it looks like that answer doesn't already have a theme. When I use the same syntax it doesn't work for me. I can't add a comment to that answer because I don't have enough Stack Overflow points.
Using the answer in the question mentioned above, I added themeConfig
to my config.ts file. This is my /.vuepress/config.ts file:
import { googleAnalyticsPlugin } from '@vuepress/plugin-google-analytics'
import theme from "./theme.ts"
export default {
lang: 'en-US',
title: 'My Title',
description: 'My description ',
base: '/',
TocPluginOptions: {
level: [2, 3, 4]
plugins: [
// google measurement ID: https://v2.vuepress.vuejs.org/reference/plugin/google-analytics.html
id: 'G-12345678',
themeConfig: {
plugin_name: "My Plugin",
system_name: "My System"
and this is my theme.ts file:
import { hopeTheme } from "vuepress-theme-hope";
// We export the theme object by default
export default hopeTheme({
logo: "\Logo_Full-Color-Full-Size-x0.4.png",
iconAssets: ["fontawesome", "iconify", "fontawesome-with-brands"],
sidebar: [
plugins: {
mdEnhance: {
//include files within other files
include: true,
// Enable figure
figure: true,
// Enable image lazyload
imgLazyload: true,
// Enable image mark
imgMark: true,
// Enable image size
imgSize: true,
Then on one of my documentation pages I use this variable:
{{ $themeConfig.plugin_name }}
But as soon as I add this variable, the page doesn't render anymore (blank page)
Where and how can I define my global variables?