How to add custom text to primeng paginator

21.8k views Asked by At

I would like to know if you can add custom text to the paginator row, more specifically, i would like it to have the total hits for the table on the right.


There are 4 answers

Anurag On
<ng-template pTemplate="paginatorright">

and if you want to show page rows range then you can add like this,

<ng-template pTemplate="paginatorleft">
  Showing {{totalRecords < 1 ? 0 : first + 1}} to 
  {{totalRecords > 0 ? ((rows+ first) <= totalRecords ? (rows + first) : 
  totalRecords) : 0}} of {{totalRecords ? totalRecords : 0}} entries  
Alper Ebicoglu On

This is the exact solution for adding custom text or total rows count on paginator for primeng datatable (angular):


<p-column field="" header="test"></p-column>                                         

<div style="position: relative;">
    <p-paginator rows="10"
         [rowsPerPageOptions]="[10, 25]">
    <span style="position: absolute; top:3px; right:5px; margin: 5px;">Total records: {{totalRecordsCount}} </span>
Guntram On

You can just add it manually below the table...

<div style="position: absolute; bottom: 5px; right: 20px;">
    filtered {{ myCoolTable.totalRecords }} from a total count of {{ myCoolTable.value.length }}

where totalEntriesCount is set by the component upon fetching the data from the server...

Remember to move the style stuff to your scss/less/css! ;)

Edit: The unfiltered data count is also stored in the length of the value. It might be that the table is not accessible from outside, so you can declare it as a ViewChild('myCoolTable') myCoolTable; in the component.

sainu On

You can't add the custom text inside the Paginator row. But you can add the total hit just below the paginator using footer inside the table as

<p-footer>Total Hits:{{totalHits}}</p-footer>

Otherwise you can add the total hit above the paginator by making paginator seperate, for example

<p-dataTable [value]="data" [paginator]="false">....
<p-column field="Col1" header="Column 1"><p-column>
<p-footer>total Hits: {{totalHits}}</p-footer>
<p-paginator rows="10" totalRecords="120" [rowsPerPageOptions]="[10,20,30]"></p-paginator>