I am working with a Spring Boot application where I use cdp4j 3.0.15 https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.webfolder/cdp4j
I have installed Chrome in a docker container and can access it thru localhost:9222. I would like to use this browser with my application but I can´t understand how to set it up.
I found a class Options.Builder (here: https://webfolder.io/cdp4j/javadoc/io/webfolder/cdp/Options.html) which seems to be in cdp4j 6.1.0 API but I can´t understand how to add this to my project.
I can see that in Options.Builder there is a method called browserExecutablePath() which I thought I might be able to add localhost:9222 and try.
I would like to use the Chrome in the docker instead of the local chrome.
I have googled around and tried to find the jar for cdp4j 6.1.0 API without any success.
I have difficult to find any good documentation around this.
After some further investigation and reading on their page I found out that the version I used was free version and you need to buy license for the newer versions.