I developed an Addin for VS2012, it is displayed in the code window (editor's) context menu. There's a menu which has a sub-menu. Sub-menu items are added dynamically, for instance..
My Menu > sub menu item 1
sub menu item 2
sub menu item 3
Now for Visual Studio 2013 I need to convert (almost re-write) the addin as VSPackage.
I am able to create a command, but I cannot add commands dynamically as sub menu items.
Please download the source code (VSPackage for VS2013) from: http://sdrv.ms/INbIu2
How can I make a menu and dynamic sub menu in VSPackage?
I would really appreciate any example.
Thanks a lot!
Use the DynamicItemStart flag on a command definition in your .vsct file: How to: Dynamically Add Menu Items.
Also, check the respective "Walkthrough" topics.