We have a SSR project with Nuxt2. I am trying to add Cache-Control Header to generated static files in the _nuxt
I added below code server_middleware/cacheBuster.ts
import { ServerMiddleware } from '@nuxt/types'
type CacheBustingHeader = 'Cache-Control' | 'Pragma' | 'Expires'
const CACHE_BUSTING_HEADERS_MAP: Record<CacheBustingHeader, string> = {
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate',
Pragma: 'no-cache',
Expires: '0',
const cacheBuster: ServerMiddleware = (_req, res, next) => {
// Set response headers as needed
Object.keys(CACHE_BUSTING_HEADERS_MAP).forEach((key) => {
res.setHeader(key, CACHE_BUSTING_HEADERS_MAP[key as CacheBustingHeader])
// Call the next middleware in the stack
export default cacheBuster
and used in the nuxt.config.ts
in the serverMiddleware
serverMiddleware: [cacheBuster]
But it's not working for the static files. even though its working in the page calls
Is there a way to do that. add the cache-control to static files in nuxt2?