I am trying to code a button, and so far have created a separate function called DefaultButton with the parameters string and an onclick function. I also wanted to add an image to this button but have not been able to successfully add it as a parameter. Is there another way to do this and add an image to the button?
I tried this below, with the function Default Button, and the default button in a different function.
fun DefaultButton(
image: Image,
text: String,
onClick: () -> Unit
) {
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(5.dp))
onClick = onClick,
modifier = Modifier.size(width = 200.dp, height = 70.dp)) {
Text(text, fontSize = 40.sp)
fun HomeScreen(
navigateToProfile: (Int, Boolean) -> Unit,
navigateToSearch: (String) -> Unit,
navigateToSettings: (String) -> Unit,
popBackStack: () -> Unit,
popUpToLogin: () -> Unit,
) {
Column (
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) {
Text("Home Screen", fontSize = 40.sp)
text = "Favourites",
onClick = { navigateToSearch("Hello") }
I can't find a way to successfully add an image (R.drawable) to the parameter without an error message. Should I insert an image without adding it as a parameter? How would I do this? Should I use 'icon' instead? What's the difference?
In Jetpack Compose, you can add an image to a button by using the icon parameter in the Button composable. The icon parameter allows you to specify an ImageVector or a Painter that represents the image you want to display on the button. You don't need to pass it as a separate parameter to your DefaultButton function.
In Jetpack Compose, you can add an image to a button by using the icon parameter in the Button composable. The icon parameter allows you to specify an ImageVector or a Painter that represents the image you want to display on the button. You don't need to pass it as a separate parameter to your DefaultButton function.
Here's how you can modify your DefaultButton function to include an image using the icon parameter: