How to add a WmAsfReader Filter into the directshow filtergraph using c#? Using the qasf.dll right?

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I create a Directshow Filtergraph using c#,but i dont know how to add a WmAsfReader Filter which can decode the video file into the filtergraph. Can anybody help,thanks!

The code below is what i have done.

protected virtual void OpenSource()
        FrameCount = 0;
        /* Make sure we clean up any remaining mess */
        /* make sure source is not null */
        if (m_sourceUri == null)

        string fileSource = m_sourceUri.OriginalString;

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileSource))

            /* Creates the GraphBuilder COM object */
            m_graph = new FilterGraphNoThread() as IGraphBuilder;

            if (m_graph == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not create a graph");

            /* Add our prefered audio renderer */

            var filterGraph = m_graph as IFilterGraph2;

            if (filterGraph == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not QueryInterface for the IFilterGraph2");

            IBaseFilter renderer = CreateVideoMixingRenderer9(m_graph, 1);                                

            IBaseFilter sourceFilter;

            /* Have DirectShow find the correct source filter for the Uri */
            var hr = filterGraph.AddSourceFilter(fileSource, fileSource, out sourceFilter);

            /* We will want to enum all the pins on the source filter */
            IEnumPins pinEnum;

            hr = sourceFilter.EnumPins(out pinEnum);

            IntPtr fetched = IntPtr.Zero;
            IPin[] pins = { null };

            /* Counter for how many pins successfully rendered */
            int pinsRendered = 0;                

            /* Loop over each pin of the source filter */
            while (pinEnum.Next(pins.Length, pins, fetched) == 0)
                if (filterGraph.RenderEx(pins[0],
                                         IntPtr.Zero) >= 0)



            if (pinsRendered == 0)
                throw new Exception("Could not render any streams from the source Uri");

            /* Configure the graph in the base class */

            HasVideo = true;
            /* Sets the NaturalVideoWidth/Height */
        catch (Exception ex)
            /* This exection will happen usually if the media does
             * not exist or could not open due to not having the
             * proper filters installed */

            /* Fire our failed event */
            InvokeMediaFailed(new MediaFailedEventArgs(ex.Message, ex));


now the Directshow Filtergraph does not have sourcefilter,i want to add a WmAsfReader as a sourcefilter,but i dont know how to add!


There are 1 answers

Roman Ryltsov On the Directshow Filtergraph does not have sourcefilter,i want to add a WmAsfReader as a sourcefilter,but i dont know how to add!

With no reference that the code is in good standing overall, a code snippet from it answers your question:

  hr = graphBuilder.AddSourceFilter(filename, "Source", out sourceFilter);
  if (hr < 0)
    //if it doesn't work before failing try to load it with the WMV reader
    sourceFilter = (IBaseFilter)new WMAsfReader();
    hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(sourceFilter, "WM/ASF Reader");