How to add a text box in a div with a value with jquery (edit in place)

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HI, I'm trying to add edit in place functionality to my site with jquery. I don't want to use a plugin, so my idea was that when you click the div that has the content in it, it would replace the div with a text box, then on blur it would submit a post to save the content.

So far I have the click event, but I'm not sure how to replace the div with a text box, and then make it submit on blur, I can probably figure out the ajax request though.

Any help would be great, thanks. So far this is what I have... just the click event:

$('.control-panel-profile-update').click(function() {
      alert('Handler for .click() called.');

There are 3 answers


It's not completely written, and it might not completely work, but it's worth a shot. Good luck:

$('.control-panel-profile-update').live('click', function() {
  $(this).replaceWith('<input type="text" id="inlineEdit" value="' + $(this).html() + '" />');

  $('#inlineEdit').focus().live('blur keyup', function(event) {
    if (event.keyCode && event.keyCode != 13) return false;

    $(this).replaceWith('<div class="control-panel-profile-update">' + $(this).val() + '</div>');

Here's a Fiddle: I added support for the enter key too.

Rafal On

One of the solutions is to add a hidden div with a textbox in it.

<div style="display:none; id="textbox_container">
<textarea id="box"></textarea>

Then in your click function, you show the textbox


You can update the value of the textbox with .val("")

Hope this helps.

Loktar On

There are two ways to do this, in modern browsers you can use contenteditable=true, and then on blur send the new contents on their way. This takes care of having to swap out a textarea.

<div contenteditable="true">Some Text</div>

or you can do it the js way.

        var originalDiv = this;