How to access WAMP Server form everywhere?

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I just created my first homepage in the last weeks and now I want it to show it to my friends. I am using WAMPSERVER 2.5 and followed A LOT of guides but nothing really worked for me.

First of all I am new to this, I have no idea how all this accessing works exactly. I guess I point out how I understand that it should work.

On my PC where I wrote my htmls css php and so on I can access via


Okay I changed the port from 80 to 8080 cause a lot of guides recommenced it.

A few days ago I was able to reach this with my local IP

or something like this

I have no Idea how I did that and at the moment it doesn't work anymore.

My httpd.config file is also pretty messed up (and too long to post here), maybe I should reinstall WAMP.

Okay to come back to my question: If I set up everything correctly will I be able to access my homepage on my PC via


without buying a domain and only having WAMP installed? The page is intended not to be online 24/7 only when I and my friends need it, or WAMP is always online when my PC is powered.

I already did
- "Put Online"
- portforwarding on router and firewall
- turned off firewall/antivir
- changed httpd.conf and httpd-vhost.conf accordingly to the guides I read
- tried every combination of ips and ports to access homepage.php

and now I am out of Ideas. But I guess I'm not the only one with problems, because all those guides comments where full of questions and problems^^

I hope I explained the problem well enough :P


There are 1 answers

Darryl Jackman On

When you access it from inside the same network, you would still need the 8080:

But if you are outside the network, it would depend on how your port is forwarded. If you have port 8080 forwarded to port 8080, then you would need: (also folder name would still be same as if it were localhost)

If on your router you have port 80 forwarded to port 8080, then

should work, but some routers are funny and can only do the in port as the same as outport, just to a specific internal address.

so if you can do:

  • localhost:8080/foldername/homepage.php

and can also do:


but CAN'T do:




then the trouble is in the port forwarding of the router.

If you CAN'T do:


Then sounds like something in WAMP config