How to access newtype named tuples fields in haskell

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I declare the following newtypes:

newtype Code = Code String deriving (Show)
newtype Name = Name String deriving (Show)
newtype Account = Account (Code, Name) deriving (Show)


*Main Lib> :t Code
Code :: String -> Code
*Main Lib> :t Name
Name :: String -> Name
*Main Lib> :t Account
Account :: (Code, Name) -> Account

and then I create some instances:

cn = Code "1.1.1"
nn = Name "Land And Buildings"
an = Account (cn, nn)

*Main Lib> an
Account (Code "1.1.1",Name "Land And Buildings")

Now I need to access for example just the Code field from the variable an, something like an.Code How can I do that?

Is it better to use Data instead of a newtype? If Haskell lets me create a newtype named tuple, then I guess there should be an easy way to access the elements inside.


There are 2 answers

leftaroundabout On BEST ANSWER

Is it better to use data instead of a newtype?

Um, yes... the whole point of newtype is to give a single type a new name. It's not supposed to be used for building composite types. So, like user2407038 suggested, make it

data Account = Account
    { accCode :: Code
    , accName :: Name
    } deriving (Show)

and then you can simply use

*Main Lib> let an = Account (Code "1.1.1") (Name "Land And Buildings")
*Main Lib> accCode an
Code "1.1.1"

That said, it's also not difficult to access fields in a tuple buried in a newtype, provided you give the newtype an unwrapper:

newtype Account = Account {getAccount :: (Code, Name)}
   deriving (Show)


*Main Lib> let an = Account (Code "1.1.1", Name "Land And Buildings")
*Main Lib> fst $ getAccount an
Code "1.1.1"

If you want to be fancy, you can also use the “20.2nd century record accessors”, lenses:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, FunctionalDependencies #-}
import Lens.Micro
import Lens.Micro.TH

data Account = Account
    { accountCode :: Code
    , accountName :: Name
    } deriving (Show)
makeFields ''Account


*Main Lib> let an = Account (Code "1.1.1") (Name "Land And Buildings")
*Main Lib> an^.code
Code "1.1.1"
chi On

You can use pattern matching. E.g.

case an of
  Account (Code c, Name n) -> "Code " ++ c ++ ", Name " ++ n

or, in a function definition you can directly write

foo :: Account -> String
foo  (Account (Code c, Name n)) = "Code " ++ c ++ ", Name " ++ n

Using a data is usually better.

data Account = Account Code Name
-- ...
case an of
  Account (Code c) (Name n) -> "Code " ++ c ++ ", Name " ++ n