how the custom fields can be viewed in Kibana as a standard type instead of unknown type?

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I am using Kibana and elasticsearch version 7.9.1. I have created a pipeline, mapping and index with custom fields. The field type keyword converted into "sting" but the custom fields converted as "unknown" type. These unknown types are not listed while creating visualize using data table.

My pipeline,

 PUT /_ingest/pipeline/test-pipeline
  "description": "A pipeline for user data",
  "processors": [
      "my_processor": {
        "field": [
          "my_type:gender"        ]

My mappings.

PUT /test-00/
  "mappings": {
      "dynamic": "strict",
      "properties": {
        "first_name": {
          "type": "keyword"
        "last_name": {
          "type": "keyword"
        "email": {
          "type": "my_type"
        "gender": {
          "type": "my_type"

My index docs as follows,

POST /test2-00/_doc/1?pipeline=test-pipeline
  "first_name": "Rahul",
  "last_name": "Sharma",
  "gender": "Male",
  "email": "[email protected]"

POST /test2-00/_doc/1?pipeline=test-pipeline
  "first_name": "Parvindar",
  "last_name": "Singh",
  "gender": "Male",
  "email": "[email protected]"
  1. how the custom fields can be viewed in Kibana as a standard type instead of unknown type?
  2. is there a way to list the custom fields as it is in kibana? Like if the custom type name is my_string, is it possible to display my_string in kibana?

How to show this as a enter image description herestring?


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