I have this so far. It works, but I can't help but wonder if there something less hacky.
GET request:
decoded: matches={"name":"asdf"}
-- I basically take the data object for a GET request, make the keys the query string parameter names and the JSON.stringify
value as the query string value.
It works....but I feel like maybe I can do it smoother with an endpoint like:
GET http://localhost:3100/api/things/match/:attr/:value
-- but then it's very limiting as I can only have one condition. Whereas passing the whole object above I can match on multiple attributes.
On the Koa side of things, it's not too much extra code (I'm using Thinky for RethinkDB):
* list
* list all things
* @param next
ctrl.list = function *(next){
var matches = this.request.query.matches && JSON.parse(this.request.query.matches);
if ( matches ) {
var result = yield Thing.orderBy({index: "createdAt"}).filter(function(doc){
return doc('name').match(matches.name);
} else {
var result = yield Thing.orderBy({index: "createdAt"});
this.body = result;
yield next;
If there is no query string, then it just returns all results.
Am I on the right track here?
I believe this is the correct way. This approach is used by Baucis, and also koa-mongo-rest with Mongoose. It can be even taken a bit further. An example url like:
/api/users?conditions={"name":"john", "city":"London"}&limit=10&skip=1&sort=-zipcode
Can be processed by following code:
I'd appreciate to have a similar library for RethinkDB as well.