how should I parse a 5gb WARC file using C++?

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The WARC files are from the Common Crawl. A sample:

WARC-Type: response
WARC-Date: 2018-12-09T20:26:32Z
WARC-Record-ID: <urn:uuid:5e578aa4-4ec1-4b48-a3ff-cc0a154660f8>

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Environment: I am using C++ on VS 2019 in Windows. I prefer not to use special libraries. I looked at mapping the file in memory but someone said it is not as fast when you are simply parsing the file sequentially. Because I am in windows, I get a nice GUI but I also get all the Unicode mess.

Desired output of the parse: I have an output file where I want to save most of the text and some of the tags. I will be discarding most of the input. Some warc tags signal to the parser that it can skip ahead say 500 characters. For example, any "WARC-Type" other than "WARC-Type: response" can skip ahead a known amount.

What I have tried: reading the file into a heap buffer and then slicing the buffer using a sliding window. skip/save based on content of window. Able to catch a tag that spans buffers. Eventually I will use things like regex and string::find to match tags and text.

The big problem: Unicode. The file is UTF-8 with all kinds of interesting characters as you can imagine. I use MultiByteToWideChar. If I only convert the window, I don't use as much memory but I run into problems with text lining up. 15 characters of UTF-8 does not produce 15 characters of ANSI. Depending on my multibtyetowidechar flags, size, etc. I get text skipped, decode errors, etc. If I convert the entire buffer and then slice into a window, I am using twice as much memory. not that big of a deal but it seems inefficient.

BOOL pageActive = FALSE;
#define MAXBUFFERSIZE 1024
#define MAXTAGSIZE 64
DWORD windowStart = 0; DWORD windowEnd = 15; DWORD windowSize = 15;
_int64 fileRemaining;

DWORD  dwBytesRead = 0;
TCHAR* buffer;

hFile = CreateFile(
        inputFilePath,         // file to open
        GENERIC_READ,          // open for reading
        FILE_SHARE_READ,       // share for reading
        NULL,                  // default security
        OPEN_EXISTING,         // existing file only
        NULL);                 // no attr. template

        return 0;

GetFileSizeEx(hFile, &size);

_int64 fileSize = (__int64)size.QuadPart;

if(fileSize > MAXBUFFERSIZE){buffer = new TCHAR[MAXBUFFERSIZE];}
else{buffer = new TCHAR[fileSize];}

fileRemaining = fileSize;

while (fileRemaining)                                       // outer loop

if (bufferSize > fileRemaining)
     bufferSize = fileRemaining;

if (FALSE == ReadFile(hFile, buffer, bufferSize -1, &dwBytesRead, NULL))
     sendToReportWindow(L"file read failed\n");
     return 0;

fileRemaining -= bufferSize;

while (windowEnd < bufferSize)              //inner loop. while unused data remains in buffer   
    windowSize = windowEnd - windowStart;
    wstring str;

    for (int i = windowStart; i <= windowEnd; i++) {
    str[windowEnd] = '\0';

    TCHAR converted[MAXTAGSIZE] = { 0 };
    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_COMPOSITE, (LPCCH)str.c_str(), -1, converted, MAXTAGSIZE);
    sendToReportWindow(L"windowStart:%d windowEnd:%d converted:%s\n", windowStart, windowEnd, converted);

    // skip these sections and continue to build the window unless there are sufficient characters in the window to make it worth checking its content.

    // to do: WARC page state (use regex and string::find)
    // allow skipping ~500 chars in some cases

    // to do: XML tags/text
    // keep track of tags that span multiple buffers

    windowStart = windowEnd;
    }    // inner loop

delete [] buffer;
}    // outer loop

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