I'm getting data from a PHP file in JSON format and "foreached" it in view.
How do I pass the category id from view to controller?
<div ng-controller="listItems">
<ul class="list">
<li class="list-group-item" dir-paginate="post in phones | itemsPerPage: 10" total-items="totalUsers" current-page="pagination.current">
<a href="#" class="list-group-item">
<img src="/small/{{post.name}}" class="img-rounded col-md-1" alt="">
<h4 class="list-group-item-heading">{{post.name1}}</h4>
<p class="list-group-item-text">
{{post.text1}}</p><div class="clearfix"></div>
Controller JS:
function getResultsPage(pageNumber) {
$http.get('/calk.php?page=' + pageNumber + '&cat=' + 'CAT-ID-HERE')
.then(function(result) {
$scope.phones = result.data.records;
$scope.totalUsers = result.data.count