I was wondering if anyone else has had the the same Lucene (not Solr) situation?
When I open a Lucene index I warm it with a typical query and then keep the searcher cached for a period of time so that many queries can use it. I then re-open it and repeat. Because I am running Lucene 3.6 on Linux, as I understand it most of my open index data resides in the filesystem cache rather than the JVM heap. What I find is that the response time for queries increases over time - unless I keep re-warming the searcher by re-running my typical query. Has anyone else had this issue? If so, is re-warming the only way to keep he query responsive? How often works best?
Some background
- the machine is always very busy doing other non-Lucene file processing, which makes me suspect the F/S cache pages are being replaced over time
- my indexer does not run in the same JVM as my query server, so NRT etc. isn't relevant
Which directory are you using?
You can try playing with
as explained http://wiki.apache.org/lucene-java/ImproveSearchingSpeed.Another option would be using
as explained in http://jprante.github.io/applications/2012/07/26/Mmap-with-Lucene.html.