How many Machine Cycles are there in Jump Statements of 8085?

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Which Machine Cycles are required for any Jump Statement in 8085 if the condition to be checked satisfies and for the case when it doesn't satisfy?

EDIT: I know the number. I want to know what are those Machine Cycles. The first one is Opcode Fetch, but the rest of them?


There are 5 answers

Michael On

According to this instruction set reference, a conditional branch on the 8085 takes 9 T-states (2 M-cycles) if the branch isn't taken, and 18 T-states (5 M-cycles) if the branch is taken.

A T-state equals one clock cycle on the 8085 as far as I know. An M-cycle is made up of several (3 to 6) T-states. Examples of M-cycles are "Opcode Fetch" (which always is the first M-cycle of every instruction); "Memory Read" and "Memory Write".
You can read more about the 8085's states and cycles in this document.

peteykun On

When it does satisfy the condition, the cycles on a 8085A are:

JNZ 9050H

  • Opcode Fetch
  • Memory Read: to get the lower order address byte
  • Memory Read: to get the higher order address byte

4+3+3 = 10 T-States in 3 machine cycles

I got here because I myself am in search of what the cycles are when the condition is not satisfied.

feather fun On

Let's take ' JNZ 16-bit address ' instruction as example. And following code for understanding :

INR B           // B=03 H 
JNZ C200 H 

Here the condition will be true because register B is not zero. Hence 10 t-states.

If register B =00 H then the JNZ condition will be false as it is zero. Hence 7 t- states.

True: OF + MR + MR = 4 +3+3= 10 t states
False: OF + MR = 4+3 =7 t states

user7184376 On

If the condition is satisfied 10T states, otherwise 7T states in case of conditional jump. In case of unconditional jump JMP its always 10T states

Srijata Chakravorti On

When the J condition is not satisfied, the cycles are

  1. Opcode fetch (4 T states)
  2. Memory read (3 T states) of the lower byte specified, while simultaneously checking the flag condition.

If the condition isn't satisfied, the processor ends this instruction cycle after these 2 machine cycles and 4+3 = 7 T states.