How is this EMF image A4 sized?

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An EMF file made by Adobe Illustrator (I do not know which version, but it has one of the early style EMR headers) is supposed to be A4 sized and I don't understand how it could be. The file has these EMR records:

U_EMRHEADER                   record:    0 type:  1 offset:       0 size:     116
   rclBounds:      {255,-925,1377,-132} 
   rclFrame:       {7969,-28906,43031,-4125}  **350.63 x 247.82 mm**
   dSignature:     0x464D4520
   nVersion:       0x00010000
   nBytes:         1924
   nRecords:       54
   nHandles:       4
   sReserved:      0
   nDescription:   13
   offDescription: 88
      Desc. A:  Adobe Systems
      Desc. B:  
   nPalEntries:    0
   szlDevice:      {1024,768} 
   szlMillimeters: {320,240} 
U_EMRSETMAPMODE               record:    1 type: 17 offset:     116 size:      12
   iMode:          0x00000008       **MM_ANISOTROPIC**
U_EMRSETWINDOWORGEX           record:    3 type: 10 offset:     140 size:      16
   ptlOrigin:      {0,0}
U_EMRSETVIEWPORTORGEX         record:    4 type: 12 offset:     156 size:      16
   ptlOrigin:      {0,0}
U_EMRSETWINDOWEXTEX           record:    5 type:  9 offset:     172 size:      16
   szlExtent:      {10104,7143}
U_EMRSETVIEWPORTEXTEX         record:    6 type: 11 offset:     188 size:      16
   szlExtent:      {3368,2381}

The rclFrame fields normally set the page size but A4 is 297 x 210 mm, not 350.63 x 247.82 mm. However 350.63 x 247.82 is the correct ratio for A4. The only way I could finagle an A4 size out of these numbers was by treating the rclFrame values as MM_HIENGLISH and then using the 1/3 scale factor from EMRSETWINDOWEXTEX/EMRSETVIEWPORTEXTEX this way:

 35.063" * 1/3 = 11.69"
 24.782" * 1/3 = 8.26"

But that would mean that the program could not determine the size of the page until it had seen those latter two records. Also nowhere could I find any documentation that said this sort of thing goes on.

Can anybody shed some light on this?


There are 1 answers


I think your EMF may contain more information than is indicated by the diagnostic dump. The supplied EMR_HEADER record has nVersion set to 0x00010000 so the record aditionally contains these fields starting after szlMillimeters:

    public uint     cbPixelFormat;
    public uint     offPixelFormat;
    public uint     bOpenGL;
    public SIZE     szlMicrometers;

The values of these fields are missing from the supplied diagnostic dump. Here's a hex dump from the head of an XP emf file I had on my machine:

 0: 01 00 00 00 6c 00 00 00 58 07 00 00 03 02 00 00  | ....l...X....... |
10: aa 0b 00 00 1f 04 00 00 95 1f 00 00 07 09 00 00  | ................ |
20: 07 31 00 00 15 11 00 00 20 45 4d 46 00 00 01 00  | .1...... EMF.... |
30: 44 07 00 00 2e 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  | D............... |
40: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 61 13 00 00 68 1b 00 00  | ........a...h... |
50: d2 00 00 00 29 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  | ....)........... |
60: 00 00 00 00 50 34 03 00 28 88 04 00              | ....P4..(...     |

In this snippet, the szlMicrometers field is the last pair of DWORDs. Their values are 0x00033450, 0x00048828, and expressed in decimal in thousandths of a mm these values are 210000, 297000