How is set-car! modifying my closure environment?

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I am coding a meta-circular interpreter and am trying to implement closures. I have a function make-lambda which makes the closure:

(define (make-lambda parameters body env)
 (list 'lambda parameters body env)

And a function which handles definitions in which I have a check to see if the definition contains a lambda in which case I would need to create a closure:

(let* ((closure (make-lambda (cadadr defn) (cddadr defn) env)) ; creates a closure
         (var (car defn))
         (binding `(,var . ()))) 
      (display closure) 
      (display "CLOSURE BEFORE: ")
      (display (cadddr closure))
      (set-car! env (cons binding (car env)))
      (display "CLOSURE AFTER: ")
      (display (cadddr closure)) ; why is this different? 
      ;(set-cdr! binding (meta-eval error (cadddr closure) ))
      ;(set-cdr! binding closure)
      (display "NORMAL: ")
      (display env)


I cannot seem to figure out why cadddr closure is different before and after the set-car! call. Any help would be appreciated.

I have tried all sorts of troubleshooting and have some in the code above and still do not know what is going on.


There are 2 answers

amalloy On

The cadddr of closure is another pointer to env, as you can see from the definition of make-lambda. Since you have modified the list pointed to by env, all references to it, both env and (cadddr closure), will reflect the changed list.

molbdnilo On

env and (cadddr closure) are the same list.

This is your structure,

           +---+---+   +---+---+   +---+---+   +---+---+
closure -->| | |  ---->| | |  ---->| | |  ---->| | | X |
           +-|-+---+   +-|-+---+   +-|-+---+   +-|-+---+
             |           |           |           |
             v           v           v           v
            ...         ...         ...        +---+---+   +---+---+
                                        env -->| | |  ---->| | |  ----> ...
                                               +-|-+---+   +-|-+---+
                                                 |           |
                                                 v           v
                                                b_0         b_1

and the result after (set-car! env (cons binding (car env))):

           +---+---+   +---+---+   +---+---+   +---+---+
closure -->| | |  ---->| | |  ---->| | |  ---->| | | X |
           +-|-+---+   +-|-+---+   +-|-+---+   +-|-+---+
             |           |           |           |
             v           v           v           v
            ...         ...         ...        +---+---+
                                        env -->| | |  ----> b_0