How is child/submodel to parent/main model messaging done in Elmish.WPF?

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(Newbie question).

In Elmish.WPF, I have a parent module, App, holding a child submodule, FinderLastName:

module App =

    type Model =
            FinderLastName:  FinderLastName.Model      

    type Msg =
        | FinderLastNameMsg  of FinderLastName.Msg

    let update msg m =
        match msg with
        | FinderLastNameMsg msg ->
            { m with FinderLastName  = FinderLastName.update msg m.FinderLastName}
    let bindings () : Binding<Model, Msg> list = [
        "FinderLastName" |> Binding.subModel(
          (fun m -> m.FinderLastName),

The subModel, FinderLastName , receives a text input from the UI which I need to transmit up to the main App module.

Assuming the subModel, FinderLastName, has the typical Elmish.WPF structure of Model, Msg, and update, how do I transmit the text input from child/subModel to parent/main Model?

(I found a good discussion of this for Elm-spa, but how would this be used in Elmish.WPF?

Any ideas would be most appreciated.


Found it! Please see the really good blog at:

About 3/4 of the way down, Make the child communicate with the parent

Addendum: For a good explanation of the event loops used by Elmish, see:


There are 2 answers

TheQuickBrownFox On BEST ANSWER

The Elmish.WPF repo has several good sample projects built in which demonstrate this sort of thing. Look at the projects with "SubModel" in the name.

I suggest you clone the repo and open it in your IDE to get full type inference. You can also run each sample project. I personally think this is a really good form of documentation.

Tyson Williams On

OP shared this Elm discussion in this comment. As I said in this comment, I like the translator pattern that was mentioned there. I plan on implementing it in Elmish.WPF soon.