Have some legacy code that works with Java 6 but not fully with Java 8. It sends a SOAP request and reads the response. When using Java 8, the response is not correctly parsed and the code returns a failed result.
Here is a simplified version of the code, I have cut out most of the request building code and changed server names and the like. Please pardon any typos.
try {
// Init the factories
SOAPConnectionFactory SOAPConnFac = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance();
SOAPFactory SOAPFac = SOAPFactory.newInstance();
MessageFactory MessageFac = MessageFactory.newInstance();
// Create the SOAP Connection
SOAPConnection SOAPConn = SOAPConnFac.createConnection();
// Build the SOAP request message
SOAPMessage SOAPRequestMsg = MessageFac.createMessage();
// Add info to the MIME header for .NET compatibility
MimeHeaders hd = SOAPRequestMsg.getMimeHeaders();
hd.addHeader("SOAPAction", "http://www.mysever.com/respond");
// Remove the SOAP message header, it is not needed in this case
SOAPHeader SOAPRequestHeader = SOAPRequestMsg.getSOAPHeader();
// Build the SOAP body main element CheckIt
SOAPBody SOAPRequestBody = SOAPRequestMsg.getSOAPBody();
javax.xml.soap.Name nameRequestBody = SOAPFac.createName("CheckIt", "", "http://www.myserver.com/");
SOAPBodyElement sbeRequestBodyEle = SOAPRequestBody.addBodyElement(nameRequestBody);
// Add all child elements to the CheckIt element
SOAPElement seNameNode = sbeRequestBodyEle.addChildElement("Name");
URL urlWebService = new URL ("http://webserver/BGC/");
// Send the SOAP request message and get back the SOAP response message
SOAPMessage SOAPResponseMsg = SOAPConn.call(SOAPRequestMsg, urlWebService);
// Pull out the SOAP response body
SOAPBody SOAPResponseBody = SOAPResponseMsg.getSOAPBody();
// Check for SOAP faults
if (SOAPResponseBody.hasFault()) {
SOAPFault newFault = SOAPResponseBody.getFault();
strStatus = "SOAP FAULT:<br>";
strStatus += "<br>code = " + newFault.getFaultCodeAsName();
strStatus += "<br>message = " + newFault.getFaultString();
strStatus += "<br>actor = " + newFault.getFaultActor()+"<br>";
boolOK = false;
} else {
// Pull the CheckProspectResponse element out of the SOAP response body
javax.xml.soap.Name nameResponseBody = SOAPFac.createName("CheckResponse", "", "http://www.mysever.com/");
Iterator iterElement = SOAPResponseBody.getChildElements(nameResponseBody);
if (iterElement.hasNext()){
SOAPBodyElement sbeResponseBodyEle = (SOAPBodyElement) iterElement.next();
// Check for success or failure
String strResultMsg = ((sbeResponseBodyEle.getValue() == null) ? sbeResponseBodyEle.toString() : sbeResponseBodyEle.getValue());
strStatus = "Check response came back from webserver as *" + strResultMsg + "*<br>";
boolOK = (strResultMsg.trim().toUpperCase().indexOf("SUCCESS") > 0);
} // End if (iterElement.hasNext())
} // End if (SOAPResponseBody.hasFault())
} catch(Exception e) {
strStatus = "Error : "+((e.getMessage() != null) ? e.getMessage() : e.toString());
boolOK = false;
} // End try
It seems that when pulling elements out of the response, it gets an empty set.
Iterator iterElement = SOAPResponseBody.getChildElements(nameResponseBody);
Returns a set of null elements. Not a null itself, the set has at least one member but that member is null. It should have a value of "SUCCESS" but it's null. I have looked at the full response and it looks fine, everything is there and it works with Java 6, just not with Java 8. A typical, successful response looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<CheckResponse xmlns="http://www.mysever.com/">
I have found a way around my problem, using getTextContent I get the correct data, or at least the data I expect to get. Given the above SOAP response, Java 8 returns the following for the given method call:
getValue = null
getNodeValue = null
getLocalName = CheckResponse
getNodeName = CheckResponse
getNamespaceURI = http://www.mysever.com/
getPrefix = null
getTextContent = SUCCESS
Acording to both Java 6 and Java 8 docs, the returned value for getValue should be "SUCCESS" in this case. Which is true for Java 6 but false for Java 8.
Any ideas on why this method works with Java 6 but not with Java 8? Is this a bug?