i need to calculate paymant of this people in the same week like you see in this spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fHEtOFxZeRjJ07duCxxhUwUL_1G3BUrvKRMYjT9_OmM/edit#gid=91744412 I used WEEKNUM formula to extract the number of week using the data in column A ..for example "anselmi" earned 16 in week 24...... thanks
how i create a formula of payment using weeknum formula
89 views Asked by jack1986 At
I made a extra sheet in the spreadsheet you shared, called 'JP'. In cell A1 I entered this formula:
This formula outputs three columns: one column with the names, a second one with the weeknumber and a third column with the sum. This ouput will auto-update when new rows are added in Foglio2.
See if that works for you ?