I have this code I need if currency is MXN I can choose MXN
and USD
in presu_detalle, but if in presupuesto currency_id is USD
I can't choose nothing and currency_id in presu_detalle would be USD
by default, I tried to pass the value in the context but how I can use in python code or conditional in XML
name = 'presupuesto'
currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency', 'currency')
childs_ids = fields.One2many('presu_detalle', 'presu_detalle_id')
name= 'presu_detalle'
presu_detalle_id = fields.Many2one('Presupuesto ID')
currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency', 'Currency')
XML form parent view
field name="childs_ids" nolabel="1" context="{'default_currency_id':currency_id}"
XML Form child view
field name="currency_id"
it passed but how i can say if the defualt value is MXN you can change value to MXN or USD but if the defualt value is USD you cant change value