I am using Bitcoin payment Gateway. I have cloned repositry from https://github.com/bitpay/php-bitpay-client and also made account on https://test.bitpay.com. I am using TestNet as well.
In Git repsositry https://github.com/bitpay/php-bitpay-client I can see
$privateKey = new \Bitpay\PrivateKey('/tmp/bitpay.pri');
But I could not get bitpay.pri and bitpay.pub neither in git repositry nor in https://test.bitpay.com. In documentation also, I could not figure out how and from where I can get it. Right now, It is throwing error because of these 2 missing files.
Any suggestions, how I can get these files?
It just path where these keys will be save/generated. Read this tutorial