How helm-chart can subscribe aArgoCD notification webhook

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I have added trigger, template & webhook in configmap argocd-notifications-cm using folowing command:

kubectl edit cm argocd-notofications-cm -n argocd

The webhook is added like below:

service.webhook.mapper: | url: http://<IP>:<Port>

template is added like below:

template.mapping: | webhook: mapper: method: POST path: /post body: | { "xx": "yy"}

trigger is added like below:

`trigger.on-sync-succeeded: |

  • description: abc send:
    • mapping: when: app.status.operationState.phase in ['Succeeded']`

I am deploying the application in ArgoCD using ApplicationSet object & helmchart. The directory structure is like be below inside root directory of github repo:

apps/app1/templates/.. apps/app1/chart apps/app1/Chart.yaml apps/app1/Values.yaml

argo-cd/argo_cd.yaml #Application Object arco_cd/apps.yaml # ApplicationSet argo_cd/httpbin.yaml # Application

In both Application & ApplicationSet objects, syncpolicy is like following:

syncPolicy: automated: selfHeal: true prune: true Now question is how "apps" or "app1" will subscribe so that any sync success of app1 will send the POST request to httpbin?

I tried it by adding annotation under metadata of apps.yaml ApplicationSet object. But no notification is received.


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