I have the next problem
I want to use this equation in openCV
X = blue channel , Y = green channel and Z = red channel
x = X / (X + Y + Z);
y = Y / (X + Y + Z);
Z = Z / (X + Y + Z);
But when i run my code I have a window whit 3 images on 1.
First I extract the luminance because I want the crominance of the red channel.
Can anybody help me?
Here is my code:
Mat source = cv::imread("Image.bmp");
Mat src(source.rows, source.cols, CV_32FC3);
Mat Lum = Mat::zeros(src.rows, src.cols, CV_32FC1);
Mat Crom = Mat::zeros(src.rows, src.cols, CV_32FC3);
for (size_t i = 0; i < src.rows; i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < src.cols; j++)
Vec3f pixel = src.at<Vec3f>(i, j);
float B = pixel[0];
float G = pixel[1];
float R = pixel[2];
Lum.at<float>(i, j) = ( B + G + R ) /3;
///Codigo para la Cromancia
for (size_t i = 0; i < Lum.rows; i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < Lum.cols; j++)
Vec3f pixel = src.at<Vec3f>(i,j);
float B = pixel[0];
float G = pixel[1];
float R = pixel[2];
Crom.at<Vec3f>(i,j)[0] = ( Lum.at<Vec3f>(i,j)[0] )/ ( Lum.at<Vec3f>(i,j)[0] + Lum.at<Vec3f>(i,j)[1] + Lum.at<Vec3f>(i,j)[2] );
Crom.at<Vec3f>(i,j)[1] = ( Lum.at<Vec3f>(i,j)[1] )/ ( Lum.at<Vec3f>(i,j)[0] + Lum.at<Vec3f>(i,j)[1] + Lum.at<Vec3f>(i,j)[2] );
Crom.at<Vec3f>(i,j)[2] = ( Lum.at<Vec3f>(i,j)[2] )/ ( Lum.at<Vec3f>(i,j)[0] + Lum.at<Vec3f>(i,j)[1] + Lum.at<Vec3f>(i,j)[2] );