how get table data and post data for Navistion Database in phoneGap

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We are very struggled about getting and posting table data for Navistion Database.We need getting data for Navistion DB to our local(sqlLit) DataBase and posting data SqlLit Db to Navistion DB.In PHoneGap We are goggled.But no luck.So Please give any documentation and link .Please help me.


There are 2 answers

Alexander Drogin On

Agree with Raymond - the question is too general to give any kind of recommendation. Maybe if you could elaborate it a bit - at least outline the task you need to solve, it would be easier to suggest something. Anyway, I presume, you don't want to insert data into the Navision DB directly, but need an interface to Nav functionality. My first idea would be to look at Web services. Some documentation is available on msdn: Web services in Nav. You can expose Nav objects (Codeunits, Pages and Queries) through a web service and call it from PhoneGap.

Raymond Camden On

PhoneGap/Cordova can work with other databases when you use middleware on your server to respond to it. So for example, your server (with the Navistion DB) could use PHP or ColdFusion to respond to Ajax requests from your app. It would handle taking the request, querying the db, and converting the response to JSON. There is no documentation link for this as it is too abstract of a question really.