How does the Qt Slots works. PySide

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I am working with Qt I used to build GUI of my application,

I understand the Signals, witch I am connecting to my def (functions) and that is working how I want to. But beside Signals are Slot, and I don't really get, what is the difference between [signal - function] connection and the [signal - slot] connection

I'm using this stuff this way:

class theOne(QObject):

    started = Signal()

    def __init__(self):

    def function(self):

    def goStart(self):
        """some actions"""

Could somebody try to explain me, what are the Slots for? Its about they can take some parameters? But normal functions also does. Thanks for Your time.


There are 1 answers


Slots are functions. The only difference between slots and functions is that with the slot keyword, the Qt metaobject compiler (MOC) will grab a function pointer of that function and use it for it's own purpose (like responding to a signal). You can totally reproduce that kind of process by grabbing a pointer of one of your function and call it when a boolean is on true.

Hope that helps.

PS: My background and skills are more C++ related but you should get my point ;)