How does SymmetricDS convert Oracle RAW to Postgres BYTEA?

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I'm using SymmetricDS to replicate data from an Oracle DB to a Postgres DB, and let it create the schema in the Postgres slave. A column with type RAW in Oracle was converted to BYTEA in Postgres. Values are converted as such

RAW:     24E1EB73A5CA0D17E05400144FF9F89C
BYTEA: \x24E1EB73A5CA0D17E05400144FF9F89C

I.e., somewhere in the process, the value gets prepended with \x. Querying using the prepended string in psql works fine. However, when I try to query it from my Rails application, I only get empty results, both with the RAW string and the prepended BYTEA string. If I try to use the suggested Rails util methods like escape_bytea(), I get a string that looks like this


Is this the format SymmetricDS should have used to input the data in the Postgres DB? Or is there a way to tweak the query string so I can get the results on the current format?


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