How does Sonar calculate the cyclomatic complexity?

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Sonar gives me the following cyclomatic complexity number : 22.

For the following program :

private static SomeDto checkSomething(AnotherDto anotherDto, String reference)
SomeDto someDto = new SomeDto();

// condition 1
if (!someDto.getA())
    return new SomeDto("bla1", "blabla");

// condition 2
if (someDto.getName2() == null || checkSurName(anotherDto.getName()))
    return new SomeDto("bla2", "blabla");

// condition 3
if (someDto.getName3() == null || checkSurName(anotherDto.getName()))
    return new SomeDto("bla3", "blabla");

// condition 4
if (someDto.getName4() == null && checkSurName(anotherDto.getName()))
    return new SomeDto("bla4", "blabla");

// condition 5
if (someDto.getName5() == null || checkSurName(anotherDto.getName()))
    return new SomeDto("bla5", "blabla");

// condition 6
if (someDto.getName6() == null && checkSurName(anotherDto.getName()))
    return new SomeDto("bla6", "blabla");

// condition 7
if (someDto.getName7() == null && checkSurName(anotherDto.getName()))
    return new SomeDto("bla7", "blabla");

// condition 8
if (someDto.getName8() == null && checkSurName(anotherDto.getName()))
    return new SomeDto("bla8", "blabla");

// condition 9
if (someDto.getName9() == null && checkSurName(anotherDto.getName()))
    return new SomeDto("bla9", "blabla");

// condition 10
if (someDto.getName10() == null && checkSurName(anotherDto.getName()))
    return new SomeDto("bla10", "blabla");

// condition 11
if (someDto.getName11() == null && checkSurName(anotherDto.getName()))
    return new SomeDto("bla11", "blabla");

return someDto;

The issue i get is the following :

"The Cyclomatic Complexity of this method "checkSomething" is 22 which is greater than 12 authorized."

My question is : considering the McCabe formula V(G) = E - N + 2, how does Sonar reach the number of 22 ?

Where :

E = number of edges

N = number of nodes

How many edges and nodes are there in this method ? What is the control flow for this method ?

We're on SonarQube Version 6.3 (build 19869).


There are 2 answers

Celinio Fernandes On

Well, after further investigation and according to this link (checkstyle tool), I have concluded that the McCabe formula is not really applied to calculate the cyclomatic complexity in a Java program.

The complexity is equal to the number of decision points + 1 Decision points: if, while , do, for, ?:, catch , switch, case statements, and operators && and || in the body of target.

So if I apply this rule to the previous sample code :

private static SomeDto checkSomething(AnotherDto anotherDto, String reference)  // 1
SomeDto someDto = new SomeDto();

// condition 1
if (!someDto.getA())                                                             // 2
return new SomeDto("bla1", "blabla");

// condition 2
if (someDto.getName2() == null || checkSurName(anotherDto.getName()))             // 4
return new SomeDto("bla2", "blabla");

// condition 3
if (someDto.getName3() == null || checkSurName(anotherDto.getName()))             // 6
return new SomeDto("bla3", "blabla");

// condition 4
if (someDto.getName4() == null && checkSurName(anotherDto.getName()))             // 8
return new SomeDto("bla4", "blabla");

// condition 5
if (someDto.getName5() == null || checkSurName(anotherDto.getName()))              // 10
return new SomeDto("bla5", "blabla");

// condition 6
if (someDto.getName6() == null && checkSurName(anotherDto.getName()))              // 12
return new SomeDto("bla6", "blabla");

// condition 7
if (someDto.getName7() == null && checkSurName(anotherDto.getName()))              // 14
return new SomeDto("bla7", "blabla");

// condition 8
if (someDto.getName8() == null && checkSurName(anotherDto.getName()))              // 16
return new SomeDto("bla8", "blabla");

// condition 9
if (someDto.getName9() == null && checkSurName(anotherDto.getName()))              // 18
return new SomeDto("bla9", "blabla");

// condition 10
if (someDto.getName10() == null && checkSurName(anotherDto.getName()))             // 20
return new SomeDto("bla10", "blabla");

// condition 11
if (someDto.getName11() == null && checkSurName(anotherDto.getName()))             // 22
return new SomeDto("bla11", "blabla");

return someDto;

Correct me if i am wrong. Shouldn't the return statements (except the one that is the last statement of the method) be taken into account at least ?

Anyways, the result number of 22 makes sense. This method has an awful number of successive "if" conditions and something should be done about it to improve its maintainability.

bluesman80 On

The SonarQube documentation for the latest version clearly states how it calculates the Cyclomatic Complexity:

Complexity (complexity) It is the Cyclomatic Complexity calculated based on the number of paths through the code. Whenever the control flow of a function splits, the complexity counter gets incremented by one. Each function has a minimum complexity of 1. This calculation varies slightly by language because keywords and functionalities do.

And if you open the "Language-specific details" underneath that paragraph, the Java line reads as follows.

Keywords incrementing the complexity: if, for, while, case, catch, throw, &&, ||, ?

Since the OP was using version 6.3 by the time of the question, I also checked the documentation for the oldest version that I could find, which is 6.7. By then, the calculation was slightly different.

Keywords incrementing the complexity: if, for, while, case, catch, throw, return (that is not the last statement of a method), &&, ||, ?


else, default, and finally keywords do not increment the complexity.

a simple method with a switch statement and a huge block of case statements can have a surprisingly high complexity value (still it has the same value when converting a switch block to an equivalent sequence of if statements).

Example: the following method has a complexity of 5

public void process(Car myCar){          // +1
    if(myCar.isNotMine()){               // +1
         return;                         // +1
    while(car.hasGazol() && car.getDriver().isNotStressed()){   // +2;
    return; }