I read Akka documentation, but I do not understand:
class MyActor extends Actor {
private var _state = 0
override def receive: Receive = {
case x: Int =>
if (x != _state) {
println(s"---------> fail: ${x} and ${_state}")
_state = x + 1
implicit val system = ActorSystem("my-system")
val ref = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor], "my-actor")
(0 to 10000).foreach { x =>
ref ! x
I have a _state
variable which is not @volatile
and not atomic
but at the same time _state
is always correct, if I do changes with !
How does Akka protect and update the internal state of actors?
This is the Classic model for Akka Actors. If you are just learning actors then you should use Typed Actors because that is the supported model going forwards.
With typed actors, the actor system holds the state for each actor, not the actor itself. When an actor needs to process a message the actor system will pass the current state to the actor. The actor will return the new state back to the actor system when it has finished processing the message.
The typed model avoids all synchronisation issues because it does not use any external state, it only uses the state that is passed to it. And it does not modify any external state, it just returns a modified state value.
If you must use Classic actors then you can implement the same model using
rather than avar