I have created a spatial Poisson model using package ngspatial (Hughes). My data is aggregated to census tracts with the variables violent
, g5prop
, and conc_dis
. I would like to fit a hetereogeneity random effect (i.e. random effect for each census tract). How is this accomplished?
Here is what I have for my model, and it works beautifully:
Z = stl$violent
X = cbind(1, stl$g5prop, stl$conc_dis)
load("A.Rda") # adjacency matrix
fit = sparse.sglmm(Z ~ X - 1 + offset(log(stl$total_pop)),
random = 1|stl$id, family=poisson, A=A,
attractive=40,tune=list(sigma.s = 0.02),
verbose = TRUE)
Now, how do I specify a random effect? It doesn't function like lme4
(for example (1|subject)
) or other formulas (random = 1~subject