I am building a distribution package for xnec2c and I want .nec files to associate with xnec2c and also display the associated icon.
(This question is different than the many xdg-utils
answers out there because it asks about packaging and whether xdg-*
calls are actually necessary.)
I know I can register them with these:
xdg-mime install --mode system x-nec2c.xml
xdg-icon-resource install --mode system --context mimetypes --size 256 xnec2c.png application-x-nec2
xdg-mime default xnec2c.desktop # but `man` says not as root?
- Should it be sufficient just to drop the .xml and .desktop and .png in the right place on the filesystem?
- Does the post-install in the package need to run some or all of these commands?
- I read here that the icon would be application-x-nec2 and not application/x-nec2. Is this correct?
I would like the files to work by placing them in the right spot without running the xdg-*
tools if supported.
(The package is a .rpm, but type and distro shouldn't matter since xdg is a standard. I want the same basic process to work for .deb, too.)
Everything should associate as the mime type application/x-nec2 since "nec2" is the file format for ".nec" files. This is reflected in the .desktop and .xml definitions below unless I have an error. Please correct me if I have something out of place!
Here are the relevant files that deploy:
- /usr/share/applications/xnec2c.desktop (see below)
- /usr/share/mime/packages/x-nec2.xml (see below)
- /usr/share/pixmaps/xnec2c.svg
- /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/xnec2c.png
- /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/xnec2c.svg
and here are is the content:
==> /usr/share/applications/xnec2c.desktop <==
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=NEC2 Simulator
Comment=Numerical Electromagnetics Code software
==> /usr/share/mime/packages/x-nec2.xml <==
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mime-info xmlns='http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info'>
<mime-type type="application/x-nec2">
<comment>NEC2 Antenna Simulation File</comment>
<icon name="application-x-nec2"/>
<glob pattern="*.nec"/>
You don't need to run the
tools, but you do need to update the desktop and icon associations for the freedesktop environment after install like so:These should be run after uninstall, too, to cleanup after removal. In RPMs this is the
with whatever deployment variable you might use like%{_datadir}
for RPM .spec's.Also the icon name had an issue. It should have just been named 'xnec2c' not 'application-x-nec2' because the 'xnec2c' icon gets installed with the installer as follows: