I am using Terraform to standup my backend and Google Secret Manager to hold my secrets and my Google Service Account file for my app. I am able to inject all my secret values to my app but am unable to inject the secret file to the app.
Question: How should I configure my Terraform so that I can pull a file from Secret Manager in my app? My app looks for a file path and then reads in the file.
This is the block in secret manager main configuration (main.tf) where I am uploading my Google Service Account. I know this works because I see the file contents in my Google Console:
################### GCP Service Account ######################
resource "google_secret_manager_secret" "gcp_service_account" {
replication {
auto {}
resource "google_secret_manager_secret_version" "gcp_service_account_version" {
secret = google_secret_manager_secret.gcp_service_account.name
secret_data = file(var.gcp_service_account)
Then I output the value like this in my outputs.tf file:
output "gcp_service_account_id" {
value = google_secret_manager_secret.gcp_service_account.name
description = "The ID of the GCP service account"
sensitive = true
Now I have my output in my root main configuration (main.tf) file I inject the value into my backend module:
module "secret_manager" {
source = "./modules/secret_manager"
db_password = var.db_password
stripe_key_pub = var.stripe_secret_key
stripe_key_secret = var.stripe_pub_key
gcp_service_account = var.gcp_service_account
module "backend_app" {
source = "./modules/backend"
gke_cluster_name = module.gke_cluster.cluster_name
project_id = var.project_id
region = var.region
app_image = var.app_image
db_host = module.patshala_db.db_public_ip
db_name = var.db_name
db_user = var.db_user
db_password = module.secret_manager.db_password_id
gcp_service_account = module.secret_manager.gcp_service_account_id
stripe_pub_key = module.secret_manager.stripe_key_pub_id
stripe_secret_key = module.secret_manager.stripe_key_secret_id
db_port = var.db_port
server_port = var.server_port
depends_on = [module.patshala_db]
Later I pass that value in my backend module main configuration (main.tf) like this:
resource "google_cloud_run_service" "backend_service" {
name = "backend"
location = var.region
template {
spec {
containers {
image = var.app_image
dynamic "env" {
for_each = tomap({
"DB_NAME" = var.db_name
"DB_USER" = var.db_user
"DB_PASSWORD" = var.db_password
"DB_HOST" = var.db_host
"DB_PORT" = var.db_port
"SERVER_PORT" = var.server_port
"STRIPE_PUB_KEY" = var.stripe_pub_key
"STRIPE_KEY_SECRET" = var.stripe_secret_key
"GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT" = var.gcp_service_account
content {
name = env.key
value = env.value
liveness_probe {
http_get {
path = "/health"
port = 8000 # Changed to integer
initial_delay_seconds = 30
period_seconds = 30
autogenerate_revision_name = true # This is optional but useful if you want Terraform to
I would configure the file location as an env variable, and then as the first action in the app, I would fetch the file you need