how do you decode gtfs protobufs in node

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I am trying to use to parse triments gtfs data.

Here is the code I have so far, it parses the .proto file correctly and creates the builder and has all the expected properties and methods, it throws an error when I try to decode any data with it.

Error: Data must be corrupt: Buffer overrun

the proto file is from

var ProtoBuf = require('protobufjs')
  , request = require('request')

var transit = ProtoBuf.protoFromFile('gtfs-realtime.proto').build('transit_realtime')

request('', parse)

function parse(err, res, body) {
  try {
  } catch(e) {

Thanks to Brian Ferris I able to parse the first part of the header gtfs_realtime_version: "1" but the parser fails on the next component (the time stamp uint64)

Thanks to


There are 5 answers

Brian Ferris On

I'm not a node expert, but the root message type of a GTFS-realtime feed is "FeedMessage":

You seem to be trying to parse the feed as an "Alert" message:


Maybe try changing Alert to FeedMessage and see what happens?

vinayr On

This does not answer your issue but you can get RT feed in text using url like

Also have a look at node-gtfs module.

Kirk On

I kept finding your question when searching for the same issue you were having and hopefully I can help someone else. After scouring the internet for a lot longer than I should have, I've come up with something that works. I didn't quite understand the data until I had a working feed decoded.

It largely appears that this has to do with how the data is being read. I'm not a NodeJS person so I don't know why, but it's dependent on how the data is read with http rather than request for decoding. I couldn't get the same method to work with request for the data.

Part of this I found from but I didn't quite yet understand how to use protobufjs, so I'm putting a working example here for others. Hope it helps.

var ProtoBuf = require('protobufjs');
var http = require("http");

// create a protobuf decoder
var transit = ProtoBuf.protoFromFile('gtfs-realtime.proto').build('transit_realtime');
// your protobuf binary feed URL
var feedUrl = "...";    

// HTTP GET the binary feed
http.get(feedUrl, parse);

// process the feed
function parse(res) {
    // gather the data chunks into a list
    var data = [];
    res.on("data", function(chunk) {
    res.on("end", function() {
        // merge the data to one buffer, since it's in a list
        data = Buffer.concat(data);
        // create a FeedMessage object by decooding the data with the protobuf object
        var msg = transit.FeedMessage.decode(data);
        // do whatever with the object
JJones On

From the Google Developers page at Google has now made a Node.js npm module available to make things very easy:

npm install gtfs-realtime-bindings

Here's Google's code snippet ( Apache 2.0 License )

var GtfsRealtimeBindings = require('gtfs-realtime-bindings');
var request = require('request');

var requestSettings = {
  method: 'GET',
  encoding: null
request(requestSettings, function (error, response, body) {
  if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
    var feed = GtfsRealtimeBindings.transit_realtime.FeedMessage.decode(body);
    feed.entity.forEach(function(entity) {
      if (entity.trip_update) {
Alastair On

I was able to get this to work (with New York MTA feeds, anyway) by forcing the request module to have a null encoding, thus ensuring it returns a buffer instead of a string. Like so:

    url: ''
    encoding: null
}, parse)

Then the parsing appears to work fine.