how do you change the color of the cell in kable output table in knitr

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I need to color the cell if the value of the cell is greater than 80. For example, given this data frame called df:


structure(list(Server = structure(1:2, .Label = c("Server1", 
"Server2"), class = "factor"), CPU = c(79.17, 93), UsedMemPercent = c(16.66, 
18.95)), .Names = c("Server", "CPU", "UsedMemPercent"), row.names = c(NA, 
-2L), class = "data.frame")

df[2,2] should be in red color. I was able to change the color of the text by something like this using xtable:

df[, 2] = ifelse(df[, 2] > 80, paste("\\color{red}{", round(df[, 2], 2), "}"), round(df[, 2], 2))

If I do this and print out the table with kable, it wont print out. Any ideas how can I color the cell in kable output table?


There are 3 answers

Hao On

In fact, you don't even need DT or kableExtra if all you need is the color of that cell. However, as the author of kableExtra, I do recommend that package though :P

# What u have now
df <-structure(list(Server =structure(1:2, .Label =c("Server1","Server2"), class = "factor"), CPU =c(79.17, 93), UsedMemPercent =c(16.66,18.95)), .Names =c("Server", "CPU", "UsedMemPercent"), row.names =c(NA,-2L), class = "data.frame")
df[, 2] =ifelse(df[, 2]>80,paste("\\color{red}{",round(df[, 2], 2), "}"),round(df[, 2], 2))
# What you need
kable(df, "latex", escape = F)

enter image description here

pogibas On

Not a knitr solution...
You can modify specific cells with DT::datatable formatStyle. It has more display options and I'm using list(dom = "t") to turn them off and ordering = FALSE to remove sorting options from the top off the table.

df %>%
    datatable(options = list(dom = "t", ordering = FALSE), 
              rownames = FALSE,
              width = 10) %>%
    formatStyle("CPU", backgroundColor = styleEqual(93, "red"))

enter image description here

If you prefer kable way then you should try kableExtra. They have option to change background for specified rows.

AudioBubble On

Another solution using my huxtable package:

ht <- as_hux(df)
ht <- set_background_color(ht, where(ht > 80), "red")