I could create a server lease to a single client as follows:
public class LeaseServer {
private static final String SERVER_TAG = "server";
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
// Queue for incoming messages represented as Flux
// Imagine that every fireAndForget that is pushed is processed by a worker
int queueCapacity = 50;
BlockingQueue<String> messagesQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(queueCapacity);
// emulating a worker that process data from the queue
Thread workerThread =
new Thread(
() -> {
try {
while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
String message = messagesQueue.take();
System.out.println("consume message:" + message);
Thread.sleep(100000); // emulating processing
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
CloseableChannel server = getFireAndForgetServer(messagesQueue, workerThread);
private static CloseableChannel getFireAndForgetServer(BlockingQueue<String> messagesQueue, Thread workerThread) {
CloseableChannel server =
RSocketServer.create((setup, sendingSocket) ->
Mono.just(new RSocket() {
public Mono<Void> fireAndForget(Payload payload) {
// add element. if overflows errors and terminates execution
// specifically to show that lease can limit rate of fnf requests in
// that example
try {
if (!messagesQueue.offer(payload.getDataUtf8())) {
System.out.println("Queue has been overflowed. Terminating execution");
} finally {
return Mono.empty();
.lease(() -> Leases.create().sender(new LeaseCalculator(SERVER_TAG, messagesQueue)))
.bindNow(TcpServerTransport.create("localhost", 7000));
return server;
But how do I issue a lease to multiple clients connected to that server?
Otherwise my queue will be written multiple times by multiple clients, resulting in an overflow of the service.
I can't find the details in the public documents and materials.
Your help was very much appreciated.