How do react-css-modules (babel) and css-loader (webpack) work together?

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When using webpack and babel together, one needs to configure both in order to use React CSS Modules. For example:

webpack.config.js will need a rule like this:

  // Translates CSS into CommonJS modules
  loader: 'css-loader',
  options: {
    modules: {
      mode: "local",
      localIdentName: CSS_CLASS_NAME_PATTERN,
  sourceMap: true

babel.config.js will need a plugin like this:

    generateScopedName: CSS_CLASS_NAME_PATTERN,
    filetypes: {
      '.scss': {
        syntax: 'postcss-scss',
        plugins: ['postcss-nested']

Why the need to configure CSS Modules in two places? How the two work together? I.e. what happens in what order?


There are 1 answers

Sergey Pogodin On

They don't. css-loader does its own thing: class name transformation in CSS, and replacement of CSS imports in JS code by mappings between original and generated names.

babel-plugin-react-css-modules works independently, and it replaces styleName attributes of react components by className with correct generated names. To do so it calculates class name mappings independently from css-loader, that's why it needs separate configuration matching that of css-loader, and that's why after a few years being abandoned by its creators it has compatibility issues with latest css-loader (css-loader changed internal class name generation logic).

Shameless self-promo: I maintain an up-to-date fork of babel-plugin-react-css-modules which solves compatibility issues with latest css-loader versions.