How do I write "if elsif" conditions using basic XPath?

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I have a very basic XML and wanted to write an Xpath query to get a value. Here is XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Here are the conditions I have:

If (/person/address[type = "STD"]/addresskey = and /person/address[type = "BA"/addresskey )

then I should get the /person/phone[2]/telephonenum. If this second telephone number doesn't exist then it should get the first telephone number.


There are 1 answers

Dimitre Novatchev On

Here are the conditions I have:

If (/person/address[type = "STD"]/addresskey = and /person/address[type = "BA"/addresskey )

then I should get the /person/phone[2]/telephonenum. If this second telephone number doesn't exist then it should get the first telephone number.

I guess that by addresskey you mean just key (there is no addresskey element in the provided XML).

Also, the XML is not wellformed and I had to correct ie.

Now let us address the stated requirements:


I should get the /person/phone[2]/telephonenum.

Translates to this:



If this second telephone number doesn't exist then it should get the first telephone number.

Modifies the above expression to this:

/*/phone[not(position() >2)][last()]


If (/person/address[type = "STD"]/addresskey = and /person/address[type = "BA"/addresskey )

the complete expression becomes:

/*/phone[not(position() >2)][last()]
            [/*/address[type = 'STD']/key
             /*/address[type = 'BA']/key

XSLT - based verification:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
 <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>
 <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>

 <xsl:template match="/">
  <xsl:copy-of select=
   "/*/phone[not(position() >2)][last()]
         [/*/address[type = 'STD']/key
          /*/address[type = 'BA']/key

when this transformation is applied on the provided (and corrected) XML:


the wanted node is selected and output:


II. XPath 2.0 expression:

for $check in
      /*/address[type = 'STD']/key[1]
      /*/address[type = 'BA']/key[1],
    $p1 in /*[$check]/phone[1],
    $p2 in /*[$check]/phone[2]
   ($p2, $p1)[1]