How do I verify entry point for pipeline: Image pull failed, back-off pulling image "hashicorp/terraform:full"

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I'm new to containers, pipelines, and images so full noob here. Trying to run Terratest in a Kubernetes container and my go file for Terratest I'm importing the following. I don't think the imports are the problem of the image since the mod and sum file are in the repo already but just in case.


In my .yml file I have the following:

image: golang:latest

  - template: Terraform/Base.latest.gitlab-ci.yml
  stage: test
    name: "hashicorp/terraform:full"

And I keep getting the error:

Waiting for pod GitLab-apps/runner-randomstringpart to be running, status is Pending
Waiting for pod GitLab-apps/runner-randomstringpart to be running, status is Pending
    ContainersNotReady: "containers with unready status: [build helper]"
    ContainersNotReady: "containers with unready status: [build helper]"
WARNING: Failed to pull image with policy "": image pull failed: Back-off pulling image "hashicorp/terraform:full"
ERROR: Job failed: prepare environment: waiting for pod running: pulling image "hashicorp/terraform:full": image pull failed: Back-off pulling image "hashicorp/terraform:full".

Isn't the template public so I can eliminate that it's a permissions error?


There are 1 answers


There is no such tag :full for the image hashicorp/terraform. Consider replacing with an existing tag such as :latest or :1.1.8.