I am new to Swift and would like to convert the following Objective-C code to Swift:
(Obviously there is no unirest library for swift.)
// These code snippets use an open-source library. http://unirest.io/objective-c
NSDictionary *headers = @{@"X-Mashape-Key": @"Ia8030aCGGmshlLqLozAf9XERsUQp12ChEhjsnU5MERfwzB07J", @"Content-Type": @"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"};
NSDictionary *parameters = @{@"text": @"这是中文分词测试"};
UNIUrlConnection *asyncConnection = [[UNIRest post:^(UNISimpleRequest *request) {
[request setUrl:@"https://textanalysis.p.mashape.com/segmenter"];
[request setHeaders:headers];
[request setParameters:parameters];
}] asJsonAsync:^(UNIHTTPJsonResponse *response, NSError *error) {
NSInteger code = response.code;
NSDictionary *responseHeaders = response.headers;
UNIJsonNode *body = response.body;
NSData *rawBody = response.rawBody;
This is what Mashape shows as the expected response headers:
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 70
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 11:11:17 GMT
Server: Mashape/5.0.5
X-Ratelimit-Requests-Limit: 1000
X-Ratelimit-Requests-Remaining: 992
This is what Mashape says is the the expected response body:
"result": "这 是 中文 分词 测试"
How can I get these results in the playground, repl, and/or an xcode project?
This code, provided by acmacalister @ https://github.com/daltoniam/SwiftHTTP/issues/33, worked for me: