Hi All first post help greatly appreciated
I have looked everywhere on the internet and tried guessing how to use it with no answer to this question
Question: How do I use OutputBucketName in python 3 for amazon transcribe
Hi All first post help greatly appreciated
I have looked everywhere on the internet and tried guessing how to use it with no answer to this question
Question: How do I use OutputBucketName in python 3 for amazon transcribe
You can pass your Amazon S3 Bucket name in the following way:
Please refer to document: https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/transcribe.html#TranscribeService.Client.start_transcription_job
And also: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/amazon-transcribe-now-lets-you-designate-your-own-amazon-s3-buckets-to-store-transcription-outputs/