I had installed the DTR on a single manager, worker cluster (playing with it to get a better understanding before setting up a proper environment)
The DTR installation was successful. I wanted to uninstall the DTR and there were no issues in uninstalling it. The following command was used for the uninstall activity based on the docs.
docker run -it --rm \
> docker/dtr:2.5.3 destroy \
> --ucp-insecure-tls
Running a docker ps confirms that the containers associated with the DTR are no longer running.
However, when I login to UCP, I still see the old DTR and I don't see a way to delete it.
I am puzzled and unsure how to clean this up and create a new DTR.
The docker/dtr destroy command, according to the DTR CLI usage documentation forcefully and in a non-blocking way removes the volumes and containers of an existing DTR replica.
Furthermore, as said on the Docker forum (https://forums.docker.com/t/uninstalling-dtr-doesnt-update-ucp-ui/31788/2), it seems to be an old issue of DTR.
How to fix it is summarized in one Docker Knowledge Base article. The steps reported there are the following: