I am trying to crawl a website using the Requests library in Python, and when I try:
r = requests.get('http://www.cell.com/cell-stem-cell/home', allow_redirects = False)
>>> r.status_code
>>> r.text
'The URL has moved <a href="https://secure.jbs.elsevierhealth.com/action/getSharedSiteSession?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cell.com%2Fcell-stem-cell%2Fhome&rc=0&code=cell-site">here</a>\n'
and when I try:
>>> r = requests.get("https://secure.jbs.elsevierhealth.com/action/getSharedSiteSession?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cell.com%2Fcell-stem-cell%2Fhome&rc=0&code=cell-site")
>>> r.text
'\n\n\n\n\n<style type="text/css">\n .hidden {\n display: none;\n visibility: hidden;\n }\n</style>\n\n<!-- hidden iFrame for each of the SSO URLs -->\n<div class="hidden">\n \n <iframe src="//acw.secure.jbs.elsevierhealth.com/SSOCore/update?utt=81c120bb854495181ef4ef3f679b12261e956c5-JKh">Your browser doesn\'t support iFrames!</iframe>\n \n <iframe src="//acw.sciencedirect.com/SSOCore/update?utt=81c120bb854495181ef4ef3f679b12261e956c5-JKh">Your browser doesn\'t support iFrames!</iframe>\n \n <iframe src="//acw.scopus.com/SSOCore/update?utt=81c120bb854495181ef4ef3f679b12261e956c5-JKh">Your browser doesn\'t support iFrames!</iframe>\n \n <iframe src="//acw.sciverse.com/SSOCore/update?utt=81c120bb854495181ef4ef3f679b12261e956c5-JKh">Your browser doesn\'t support iFrames!</iframe>\n \n <iframe src="//acw.mendeley.com/SSOCore/update?utt=81c120bb854495181ef4ef3f679b12261e956c5-JKh">Your browser doesn\'t support iFrames!</iframe>\n \n <iframe src="//acw.elsevier.com/SSOCore/update?utt=81c120bb854495181ef4ef3f679b12261e956c5-JKh">Your browser doesn\'t support iFrames!</iframe>\n \n</div>\n\n\n\n<noscript>\n <a href="CANT POST LINK BECAUSE OF LACK OF REPUTATION POINTS OF STACK OVERFLOW">Redirect</a>\n</noscript>\n\n<!-- redirect to the product page after all iFrames are rendered -->\n<script>\n setTimeout(redirectFun,2000);\n var iFramesList = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe");\n var renderedIFramesCount = 0;\n var numberOfIFrames = iFramesList.length;\n for (var i = 0; i < iFramesList.length; i++) {\n var iFrame = iFramesList[i];\n bindEvent(iFrame, \'load\', function(){\n renderedIFramesCount = renderedIFramesCount + 1;\n if (renderedIFramesCount >= numberOfIFrames)\n {\n redirectFun();\n }\n });\n }\n var doRedirect = true;\n function redirectFun() {\n if (doRedirect)\n window.location.href = "CANT POST THIS WEBSITE BECAUSE OF MY REPUTATION POINTS ON STACKOVERFLOW";\n doRedirect = false;\n }\n\n function bindEvent(el, eventName, eventHandler) {\n if (el.addEventListener){\n el.addEventListener(eventName, eventHandler, false);\n } else if (el.attachEvent){\n el.attachEvent(eventName, eventHandler);\n }\n }\n</script>\n\n'
I just want to get the HTML of the original website.
You have to send User-agent along request headers to make the website to believe that the request is coming from a real web browser. So if you want the content of non-redirected url your code should be
The output will be:
If you want the content of the redirected url then allows redirect, but include user-agent header. This method works for most of the websites that don't use dynamic content on their website. If you want to crawl data from a dynamic content website then you have to use web browser simulators like selinium.