i will try to explain my problem
Lets say i have data like this x={1,2,3,4,5,6}
and my condition is 4<=x<=6
and I want to show that the value that meets criteria is 5
my program looks like this
k = 0;
Do[If[4 <= x[[i]] <= 6, k = k + 1], {i, 1, Length[data]}];
Print["amount of numbers that meets criteria ", k]
And my problem is that I don't know how to continue to show the Value of number that meets criteria.
If you want to choose items that satisfy a condition then Select is often useful. If you want to know how many items satisfied the criteria then Length is often useful.
gives you 3. That # and & notation is defining a function that has no name but that you can still use. You can get some information about how to use that by looking up Function in the help pages.