I'm trying to use the https://github.com/vimeo/vimeo.js with my angular2 project. Here is what I've done.
- ran 'npm install vimeo'
- created 'vimeo.service.ts'
- tried to
import {Vimeo} from '../../node_modules/vimeo';
At the import line I get an error saying
' [ts] Module '../../node_modules/vimeo' was resolved to '/Users/../GitHub/Angular2-GettingStarted/APM - Final/node_modules/vimeo/index.js', but '--allowJs' is not set'
What am I doing wrong? Is there a working Angular2 example using this api that I could work off of?
It's not an es6 library, so try doing a require instead.
I haven't used it myself, but it looks like something along those lines would do the trick!