I'm not familiar with RadzenTextBox component and its inner working, and am not completely certain that I understand your requirement... However, the following code, using an input text Html element is assigned the value of empty string, at each keystroke ( input event is triggered at each keyboard) on the keyboard.
<input type="text" @bind-value="@Empty" @bind-value:event="oninput" />
private string empty;
public string Empty
get => string.Empty;
empty = string.Empty;
Now, you may adapt the code above in your sample...OK, I'll do it here:
<RadzenTextBox Name="employeeSearch" class="w-100" Placeholder="Search" @bind-value="@Empty" @bind-value:event="oninput" />
private string empty;
public string Empty
get => string.Empty;
empty = string.Empty;
I'm not familiar with RadzenTextBox component and its inner working, and am not completely certain that I understand your requirement... However, the following code, using an input text Html element is assigned the value of empty string, at each keystroke ( input event is triggered at each keyboard) on the keyboard.
Now, you may adapt the code above in your sample...OK, I'll do it here: