I'm using faraday and have a setup for grabbing messages from the authorized account. I have no trouble grabbing incoming messages, but when I go to grab sent messages I get an empty response when I know that the account has sent messages.
Basically, what I need is to retrieve a list emails that the user has sent.
Here's what I'm doing:
from_conn = Faraday.new(:url => "https://outlook.office.com") do |faraday|
faraday.response :logger
faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
# Then from:
from_response = from_conn.get do |request|
request.url "/api/v2.0/Me/Messages?$search=%22from:#{user_email}%22&$select=SentDateTime,ToRecipients,From,Subject,Body"
request.headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{token['token']}"
request.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
request.headers['X-AnchorMailbox'] = user_email
And here is the parsed response body:
[0] {
"@odata.context" => "https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/$metadata#Me/Messages(SentDateTime,ToRecipients,From,Subject,Body)",
"value" => []
It's generating a request URI of https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/Me/Messages?%24search=%22from%3Adr_dickdorkins%40outlook.com%22&%24select=SentDateTime%2CToRecipients%2CFrom%2CSubject%2CBody
I've tried searching in the SentItems folder like so:
request.url "/api/v2.0/Me/Folders/SentItems$search=%22sender:#{user_email}%22"
But any permutation that I thought of to search folders yields this error:
[0] {
"error" => {
"code" => "RequestBroker-ParseUri",
"message" => "Resource not found for the segment 'Folders'."
I'm not really sure what else to try--any help is appreciated!
From the docs, that doesn't look like the proper URL format to specify the folder in your last attempt. Excerpt from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/office365/api/mail-rest-operations#get-a-message-collection-rest :
You should try changing this url to:
(It looks as if it's expecting MailFolders resource name instead of Folders) Also, before ruling it out a problem with the request built by
, you should check what the api is returning with something likeadvanced rest client
, curl or some other REST client that lets you set the headers, then bring those settings to the rails side of things.